Semotion: Mediating urgency through mechanical movement.



Conference presentation

(pp. 103-109). Presented at the Design and Semantics of Form and Movement Conference (DesForm 2005).


  • Koppel, ten, M. A. J.
  • Walmink, W.
  • Amiralis, Z.
  • Ruiter, H. J.
  • van Gennip, D.



In this paper we explore movement as an alternative mediator of gradients of emotion. It is studied in a case in which four different mechanically moving objects express different levels of urgency related to catching a plane. We discuss Move Boards, Acting out, tinkering and 4D sketching as relevant design tools in addition to traditional idea generation tools. From the user-test we conclude 3 out of 4 robots created a highly consistent result in the recognition of the intended communicated emotion without context and within context.